Not long ago, psychologists and psychotherapists were only able to rely on their professional assessment and patient report as the primary diagnostic and treatment tools for psychological problems. They had to apply a degree of art and science to address a multitude of mental, emotional, and cognitive conditions related to the brain without have the ability to analyze and assess its functionality.
Now, due to modern technology, we are able to get a more accurate picture of what is happening in the brain and how that impacts our psychological and behavioral states. These scientific advances have drastically changed the way we can approach psychological treatments for the better. By using a Brain Map, or Neuro Map, neurotherapists can now get a holistic impression of how an individual’s brain functions through analyzing its unique “fingerprint” known as brainwaves.
How Does Brain Mapping Work?
The qEEG Brain Map is a noninvasive way to assess how the brain works by measuring brainwaves. Sensors placed through in a cap (similar to a swimming cap) touch the scalp so that your natural brain wave patterns can be recorded at multiple locations on the head. The brain emits 4 primary brain waves called: Alpha, Beta, Delta, and Theta waves; each has its own optimal frequency that has been determined by scientific research. By analyzing your brain waves and the ratio between each brain wave, our professionals can understand how your brain is performing and determine how to improve its functionality.
The whole Brain Mapping process takes about 30 minutes and is painless and harmless.
The Brain Map will reveal brain wave patterns that are too fast or too slow, patterns that exhibit hyper or hypo communication, and where imbalances exist. Depending on your brain’s condition, the Brain Map will reveal specific deficits, strengths, its ability to regulate and adapt, and also help determine possible mental health disorders such as: depression, anxiety, or ADD/ADHD.
Coupled with psychotherapy, the information provided by your Brain Map helps to understand you even better as it indicates the condition of your brain. The Brain Map also allows us to validate self-reported symptoms, previous and current diagnoses, and get a glimpse of issues that could arise from your brain’s ability to perform. With a clear understanding of these issues, our therapists can be better support you to cope and manage everyday problems as well as a specific issues to deal with.
Would you like to develop deeper insight about your brain and its capacity? Are you wondering how you can optimize your brain’s performance? Would you like to improve your focus and decrease distractibility? Have you wondered if there were other tools to address anxiety, depression, and stress?
Contact us at Cypress Clinic to better understand your mental health and discuss about the treatment options with Brain Mapping at 909-843-6333.